Peter Oberwimmer: dealer & customer support, sales
Angelika Oberwimmer: accounting, organization, management, customer service
Bianca Oberwimmer: sales, advertising, online shop, service, social media
Jan Kubala: guide, sales, shipping, warehouse, social media
CUSTOMER SERVICE is very important to HURCH FlyFishing and comes first. We have committed experts around one of the most beautiful things in the world available for you to fulfill your concerns and wishes. Customers of the specialist shop will find a selected, high-quality and extensive range assortment consisting of the brands:The complete VISION program, Costa, Hends, FTS, Textreme, Stonfo, Hanak, Bauer`s, Fishon and many more.
Peter Oberwimmer devotes a large part of his work to the training of fly fishing beginners and guiding guests. The courses and guiding are carried out in cooperation with competent partners. We will be happy to forward your registration to the guides.
CUSTOMER INFORMATION: The courses and guiding are to be settled directly with the guides. With individual guiding, your wishes are specifically addressed. The guide is at your disposal throughout the day. In this way, as a beginner, you can quickly learn the necessary basic knowledge of fishing and, as an advanced fisherman, you can perfect your knowledge. We are looking forward to meet you in our shop or to one of our beautiful waters.
Peter, Angelika and Bianca Oberwimmer, Jan Kubala