Nationality: CZ
Martin has been fishing with the fly since he was 10 years old. He loves all techniques of fly fishing, especially saltwater fishing. His favorite fish species are: steelheads, bonefish, yellowtail, kingfish and our local fish, such as brown trout and grayling.
Instagram: mdx_flyfishing

Nationality: CZ
For Jan, fly fishing and fly tying is a passion and attitude to life at the same time. He spends almost every free second at the water or at the binding dock and thus has an extremely large know-how. In addition to all freshwater fish, saltwater fish are among his favorite fish.
Instagram: jan.kubala.flyfishing

Nationality: AT
When fly fishing becomes an obsession. For as long as he can remember, Chris has been involved with fishing. He came into contact with the fly rod when he was sixteen. On the contrary - after he was fed up with buying flies or the ones he needed didn't get, he decided to tie them himself. He continues to do so to this day with very successful patterns. In addition to two-handed and streamer fishing, nymph fishing counts to his favorite. He spends almost every free minute by the water around his to imitate scaled "friends".
Instagram: flyfishing_chris

Nationality: CH
My name is Schmid Alain. I am at home in the beautiful Alpine canton of Graubünden, which is located in Switzerland. Flyfishing has been one of my great passions for 20 years and I prefer to fish all types of salmonids. I love to fish with the dry fly, but modern nymph fishing in rivers is also one of my favorites. The lake fishing for trout with different techniques, I have come to appreciate more and more in the last years and it is a great change.The use of self-tied and sometimes self-created flies is a must for me when fly fishing and I love to spend hours at my fly tying table.
Instagram: alainschmid_flyfishing

Nationality: DE
Hello my name is Christian Ziegler-Kirchermeier, I come from Bavaria and I am 35 years old. I go fishing my whole live, and over 20 years now flyfishing is a part of it. Best thing for me is sightfishing with Dry or Nymph. The moment when a big trout suck in my fly is the best moment for me. Flytying is a part from flyfishing to me, I am always happy to catch fish on my own tied flies. If you like to see some of my tying, please watch at my Facebook page or Youtube chanel
Instagram: chris_k_flytying

Nationality: AT
Andi, our "Mr. FlyTV" has been fishing for a variety of fishing techniques for over 20 years, but fly fishing has finally conquered his heart. He prefers to fish with the "dry one" for grayling in the crystal-clear Ybbs in Opponitz.
Instagram: andreasblamauer_flyfishing

Nationality: IT
(Vision-Italy) Gabriele “Cap” Zingaro live in Rome. He is angler since 1989. He is fly fishing addict and made this job with his passion. Usually he go fishing for trout and some predators (bass, pike) but he love try catching each species on the fly. He is also a fly tyer and 2018 he won he "Slovenian Fly Tying Championship" in two different categories (dry fly – streamer). He collaborate with fishing TV and Magazine. He is also a Youtuber and blogger explaning how to make simple fly fishing for everybody.
Instagram: gabriele_cap_zingaro

Nationality: IT (Vision-Italy)
Instagram: luca_barosselli

Nationality: IT (Vision-Italy)
Born in Viareggio in 1976. Happily married with Sabrina, living in the Italian province of Milano, working at Sky Group, the European largest pay-TV broadcaster. He dedicates his free time to the following fly-fishing activities: GAIA Double Handed Instructor, he was the first Italian appointed instructor in Game Angling Instructors Association, a professional international association with over 400 instructors between Great Britain, Ireland, USA and Italy. Single hand instructor and double hand Master of S.N.L UNPeM, the national fly casting school founded by Mario Riccardi. Past President of the famous club “Lodi Fly Fishermen”, the very first fly club of the Lodi territory, which started back in 1984 to form and train hundreds of well-known fly fishermen. Board Member of U.N.Pe.M., “The National association of fly fishermen”, an Italian institution that groups over 50 clubs and association of fly fishermen. This mainly focuses on the promotion of a water management system, which is aimed at improving river ecosystems to protect rivers and promote fly fishing. This implies the involvement of Italian Minist r ies, nat ional Inst i tut ions and local administrations. Member of the Adda Sud Committee, an organisation born to to protect and improve of the rivers’ environment, with specific reference to the Adda one. International Relationship Coordinator of the web Magazine “”, well-known at national & European level (project currently on hold). At present writing a book (nearly completed) for the Italian market on Spey casting style. He is also author of articles on web and paper magazines both national and international.
Instagram: pinomex

Nationality: Serbia
I started fishing when I was 8 years old and have been in love with fly fishing for over 4 years. In my spare time I enjoy tying my own flies. I prefer to fish for trout, grayling and barbel with my own tied nymphs.
Instagram: outdoor_salzburg

Nationality: BiH
Simplicity and living in harmony with nature are the qualities from Dragan. Dragan has been fishing for over 25 years and as an experienced competitor and a former member of the National Fly Fishing Team of Bosnia and Herzegovina, this shows that he is a top fisherman. His special Bosnian flies and simple Fly Fishing technique are recognizable and very successful on many rivers in Europe. He likes to teach young anglers as well as advanced ones various of Fly Fishing and Fly Tying techniques. Graylings and trouts are his favorite fish.
Instagram: dragandjekic.flyfishing

Nationality: Maldivian
My name is Ahmed Rasheed (Addu). I am 31 years old and living in the Maldives. I started fishing with my uncle when I was 8 years old and fort he past 9 years I´m fishing with rod and reel.I started fly fishing in 2019 and since that I have dedicated all my free time for fly fishing. This passion for fly fishing is growing day by day because fly fishing is much more different than any other fishing method. You need to understand the water, fish behavior, it’s diet and many more. Shortly, for me fly fishing includes each and every understanding and skill of fishing.I got a lot of help from my friends and family and especially from Afu (@primeoctopucs) Martin Dvorak, Katka Svagrova and Jan Kubala. They gave me full support in fly fishing. The Maldives has no fishing season so you can practically fish every day but there was limited availability of fly fishing gear and guides. However it all came together in the end when HURCH FLY FISHING heard us and gave us full support.
Instagram: adduflyfishing & fishingchartersmaledives

Nationality: Maldivian
My name is Afu, I’ve been a sports fisherman for almost 15 years. I developed an interest to fish from an early age from boy scouts to a serious hobby and to a profession over the years. The past two years has been the best days of my fishing life as I discovered fly fishing and learned how to do it.. Today I’m wading the flats, beaches and the surf zone in search of saltwater species. Fish after fish I´m immersing and committing myself to this advance technique of fishing which has already started to change the way I look at fishing. It also helped me to realize many factors that are crucial to the development and sustainability of our waters. I am very fortunate to live and belong to a beautiful country with plenty of fish and opportunities with great ease of access to fishing. But like with everything the dream of fly fishing would not have been possible without the support of many people. I am very grateful and thankful to all of them and for helping me become a better fisherman/guide and human being.
Instagram: primeoctopus & fishingchartersmaledives

Nationality: SLO
I have been fly fishing since I was 12 years old. Clear Slovenian rivers are my favourite place to be spending my free time, but I also love to put myself up to a challenge and fish for saltwater species around the world. I compete in fly fishing competitions for National Team Slovenia. The fish that gives me nightmares and wet dreams is Hucho, for which I have spent a lot of days tirelessly fishing and grinding in the cold winter.
Instagram: luka_pesjak

Nationality: SLO
My name is Rok Hace and I am the proud owner of the Tie and Fly Team from Slovenia. I have been passionate about fly fishing and fly tying for over 15 years now and I can't imagine my life without it. What started as a hobby quickly turned into a lifestyle for me. My favourite techniques include nymphing and dry fly fishing, as well as big streamer fishing for predator fish. I am always on the lookout for new challenges and experiences, whether it's exploring new fishing spots or perfecting my fly tying skills. Speaking of fishing spots, Slovenia is a true fly fishing paradise with its crystal-clear rivers and diverse fish species. Some of my favourite fish to catch on the fly are brown trout, marble trout, pike and hucho hucho. There is nothing more exhilarating than feeling the tug of a big fish on the End of the line and knowing that I've outsmarted it with my fly.
Instagram: tieandfly_official

Nationality: SLO
I was introduced to fishing by my father at a very early age. Ever since I've been travelling the globe trying to catch as many species on the fly as possible. I'm also participating in fly fishing competitions and I've won several national titles along with some international titles. My absolute favorite is definitely saltwater fly fishing but hucho fishing is not far behind.
Instagram: rokixon
Nationality: SLO
I was introduced to flyfishing 11 years ago by my good friend and also Tie and Fly founder Rok Hace. Although I like to fish nymphs using modern style fly fishing techniques, the thing that keeps me going is fishing streamers for big fish. I love chasing Pike and Hucho, but the fish that gives me absolute pleasure is the one and only Marble trout.
Instagram: andrazmostar

Nationality: SLO
Klemen has been fishing with the fly since he was 13 years old. He loves all techniques of fly fishing. His favorite fish species are: marble trout, hucho and grayling.
Instagram: _klemzy_93